• Posted on Desert Living, Clean Breathing: Navigating Indoor Air Quality Challenges and How to Improve Them

    Desert living can be a great choice for individuals who love being able to see beautiful landscapes while enjoying dry, warm weather. However, while avoiding harsh winters and never-ending rainy seasons can seem like paradise for many people, there are some challenges that desert living can produce. One of the primary issues with living in […]

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  • Posted on How to Check Your Indoor Air Quality

    The thought of pollution often triggers smog in cities, exhaust from vehicles, or black smoke coming from industrial buildings. But did you know that your indoor air can actually be much worse than the pollution outside? Find out more about your indoor air quality, why it matters, and what you can do to keep it […]

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  • Posted on How to Boost Indoor Air Quality and Why It Matters

    When we think of pollution, we often conjure images of city smog, exhaust from bumper-to-bumper traffic, or industrial smokestacks with dense black fog. But it’s not just the outdoor air we have to worry about – your indoor air can be just as polluted, if not more so, than the air outside. Indoor air quality […]

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  • Posted on What is a MERV Rating and Why Does it Matter?

    A MERV rating is an HVAC air filter rating guide to help you pick the right air filter for your home. When you breathe in polluted air, you’re breathing in tiny particles of dust and dirt that can trigger allergies, asthma, and other health problems. The efficiency of your heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system […]

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  • Posted on Get Rid of Home Gym Smells with These Simple Tips

    Get Rid of Home Gym Smells with These Simple Tips Home gyms are great – they’re private and keep you fit without the hassle of traveling. However, the problem is home gyms can get a bit stinky if not looked after correctly. Thankfully, there are some simple things you can do to keep that sweaty […]

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  • Posted on Wood Smoke and Indoor Air Quality

    Winter is coming! Game of Thrones may be long over, but winter will never die. And while we’re lucky to not have the frigid winters a lot of the country has to deal with, shorter days bring chilly nights, and there’s no better way to warm up than with a cozy and festive fire. But before you light up, remind your family (and yourself) of some best practices for wood smoke and your home’s air.

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  • Posted on Poisonous Plants Pet Owners Should Know

    You’re already a pet parent, and now you’re thinking about adding plant parent to your resume. But before you go out to the local nursery to purchase your plants, make sure to do the research to ensure that everyone in your home can stay safe around the new leafy additions.

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  • Posted on Does Vaping Indoors Affect Air Quality?

    E-cigarettes have taken over the nicotine industry in the past few years. It’s not uncommon to see kids as young as middle school vaping. But while producers of e-cigarettes (AKA JUULs, vape pens, or pens) advertise their products as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes — are they safe for the user and those around them?

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  • Posted on 3 Homeowner Mistakes That Harm Indoor Air Quality

    The average American spends approximately 90% of their lives indoors. From the office to our homes, to school, restaurants, movie theatres, museums, and more, we’re constantly at the mercy of indoor air quality—which can be good or bad.

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  • Posted on How to Treat and Reduce Spring Allergies

    Spring is finally here! But along with warmer weather, fresh blooms, and egg hunts, spring brings seasonal allergies. Millions of Americans suffer from allergy symptoms from seasonal factors. The most common environmental factors that influence spring allergies are:

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    We are currently experience technical issues with our phone systems and will be down for a short time. We are currently working on fixing the issue and hope to be back up momentarily. Please consider using our live chat at the bottom right of the screen to reach us for now. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.