Image: A Woman Laces Up Her Shoes Before Working Out In Her Home Gym.

Get Rid of Home Gym Smells with These Simple Tips

Get Rid of Home Gym Smells with These Simple Tips

Home gyms are great – they’re private and keep you fit without the hassle of traveling. However, the problem is home gyms can get a bit stinky if not looked after correctly.

Thankfully, there are some simple things you can do to keep that sweaty home gym smell at bay while you continue to enjoy your workouts.

What Causes That Home Gym Smell?

A dirty home gym can be an unpleasant experience for anyone who exercises there. When you sweat, bacteria from your skin, hair, and clothes can collect on surfaces and create a pungent odor that’s hard to eliminate.

Image: A Woman And Her Cat Stretch Before Working Out.

Here are some reasons why your home gym might smell:

  • There isn’t enough ventilation.
  • Not wiping down the equipment after each use.
  • Old towels and clothes are left lying around.
  • Bins not being emptied regularly.
  • Carpets and mats are not cleaned properly.

Remember to Clean Your Gym Equipment

Cleaning your home gym can be a daunting task. You may not have the time or energy to clean between every workout, but it’s important to keep your equipment, floors, and walls clean for your and your family’s health.

Here are some easy ways to keep your home gym clean –

  • Sweep up loose dirt, hair, and other debris from surfaces after each workout.
  • Wipe down equipment after each use. Use disinfecting wipes, or simply wipe with a damp towel followed by a dry cloth or paper towel.
  • Clean up any spills immediately to prevent them from getting on floors, carpets, or equipment.
  • Mop any hardwood floors regularly.
  • Use a towel when working out, so drops of sweat don’t land on the equipment.

Choose a Space with Good Ventilation and Air Circulation

You don’t want your body smothered by stale air while you work out, so ensure there’s plenty of ventilation in your home gym. This means opening windows or doors if possible (or turning on fans) so fresh air can come into the room.

Image: A Man Works Out At Home.

If you have no windows in your gym, try using an exhaust fan in your home gym to eliminate bad smells and keep the air fresh. It’s also a great way to get rid of excess moisture in your space so that you don’t end up with mold or mildew on your equipment.

Use an All-Natural Air Freshener

No matter how much you shower before and after your workout, there’s nothing like the smell of sweat and body odor lingering in the air.

Thankfully, there are some easy ways to keep your gym smelling fresh without resorting to chemicals or other unnatural fragrances.

Essential oils are a natural way to infuse your space with different scents. They come in dozens of varieties, including citrus, floral, woody and spicy scents. The most popular ones include eucalyptus, lemongrass, and peppermint. You can get them in diffusers or as a spray that you squirt into the air as needed.

Remember to Clean Your Towels

Cleaning a sweaty gym towel is much like cleaning any other type of towel: You can either wash it in the washing machine or hand wash it.

Image: Dirty Gym Towels In A Basket.

Consider how often you’ll need to do laundry over a week. If you have time to do laundry every day or two, it’s probably better to wash your gym towel in the washing machine — it will take less time and effort than hand washing.

Use an antibacterial detergent and let your towel completely dry before reusing.

Invest in a Dehumidifier and an Air Purifier

If you want to keep your workouts safe and healthy, it’s important to clean up your air.

Dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air so that there is less moisture in the air for bacteria, mold, and mildew to grow on. They also help control humidity levels in your home gym, so sweat doesn’t build up on floors and equipment.

Air purifiers remove dust, pollen, and other allergens from the air so people with allergies or asthma can work out safely.

Check for Mold

Mold spores are everywhere. They float in the air around us and can get into your home through open windows, doors, and ventilation systems. Mold spores thrive on moisture, so it’s important to keep your home gym dry to prevent mold growth.

If you’ve noticed mold growing in your gym equipment or clothing, it’s essential to clean it up immediately so it doesn’t spread to other areas of your house.

Book an HVAC Tune-Up

If your HVAC system is not running efficiently, it’ll use more energy than it needs to. This can result in higher energy bills each month. Regular tune-ups help ensure your HVAC system is running at its best – which will help keep those nasty home gym smells at bay.

Image: A Person Changes An Air Filter.

Need an HVAC tune-up? Contact the experts at Sierra and get your HVAC system in top working condition.

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