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The Best Pet Friendly Plants

You love your pets, and you adore plants but don’t know which plants are friendly for your furry friends. We’re here to give you a list of the best pet friendly plants, many of which have easy care needs.

African Violet

Known for its deep purple petals, the African violet is the perfect accompaniment to a living room side table or bedroom nightstand. It thrives in low to bright filtered light and enjoys average room temperatures and humidity.

Kitten With African Violet

Baby’s Tears

This slow growing plant features delicate leaves that resemble teardrops. Baby’s tears look great as a hanging plant, showing off its trailing stems, or in a traditional planter. Give it filtered light, consistent water, and above average room temperatures.


A stunner by nature, banana plants add height and a conversation starter to any home. But it does have particular care needs, namely full sun, plenty of water, well-draining soil, and lots of humidity. Banana plants have been known to produce bananas with the right indoor conditions.

Spider Plant

Though its trailing leaves look fragile, the spider plant is quite robust. Known for its ability to purify the air around it, the spider plant can handle a range of indoor temperatures but prefers bright yet indirect light and only watering when the soil is completely dry.

Venus Fly Trap

If you’re looking for a plant to dote on the way you do your pets, then the Venus fly trap could be perfect. While it takes care of its nutritional needs by catching unsuspecting flies and small insects, it does best in higher temperatures with humidity and good air circulation.


Areca Palm

With full green fronds, the areca palm looks lush but is a low maintenance, pet friendly plant. It can handle average indoor temperatures but does need indirect, bright light and well-draining soil. Allow the areca palm to dry out between waterings to avoid root rot.

Boston Fern

When given the right indoor conditions, the Boston fern returns years of lush green and bushy fronds. It needs medium to high amounts of indirect light, moist soil, and doesn’t mind a bit of humidity. The Boston fern does well as a hanging or traditional potted plant.



Known for its striking patterns on the leaf tops, the calathea is native to the tropics and does best with these conditions indoors. Provide filtered or indirect natural light, higher temperatures and humidity, and moist soil for best results. The calathea can mature within a year.


The Peperomia family is known for its eye-catching leaves featuring almost symmetric designs. Plus, its small size is great for coffee tables, open kitchen shelves, and office desks. Make sure the Peperomia has partial to full indirect light, well-draining soil, and moderate humidity and temperatures.


Known for their clustered but stylish petals, orchids are pet-friendly and relatively easy to care for. Provide with bright, indirect light; moderate humidity and temperatures; and orchid-specific soil. Orchids usually bloom during the colder months.

Mosaic Plant

Similar to the Peperomia in size and stand-out leaf designs, the mosaic plant has colorful veins streaking through the leaves. Its care needs are easy — bright but indirect light, moderate temperatures and humidity, and only water when the topsoil dries out.


A tropical plant, bromeliads can grow with or without soil, making it perfect for pet parents who live with diggers. These plants have a wide rosette shape with strap-like leaves but only bloom once in their lifetime and under the right conditions. Bromeliads need bright light with moderate temperatures and humidity.

Ponytail Palm

This cousin to edible asparagus is a bit quirky, but that’s why we love the ponytail palm. It thrives in full sun with average indoor conditions, and stores extra water in its large, bulb-like roots. But, the ponytail palm still appreciates water every week to week and a half.

Royal Velvet Plant

No, the royal velvet plant doesn’t have built-in lights — hundreds of fine, tiny hairs cause the leaves to shimmer in the right light angle. Give it average indoor temperatures and humidity levels and moist (but not soggy) soil and the royal velvet plant can reach maturity in a few weeks.


Like most of its succulent relatives, the echeveria is popular among plant lovers and pet friendly! Don’t worry about spending too much time with your pets and not this plant — it loves a bit of neglect. Just make sure your echeveria has well-draining soil, full sun, and a splash of water from time to time.

Echeveria Succulents

Enjoy your pets and plants inside with any of these pet friendly plants!

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