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5 HVAC Mistakes that Drive Up Your Heating Bill

It’s not easy to track all the heating maintenance your home needs when life gets busy — from sealing up those tiny holes to maintaining the right thermostat settings. And these may seem like minor things to worry about, but in the long run they be very costly.

So how can you keep your home warm without wasting energy? Check out these five common HVAC mistakes that drive up your heating bill, and the simple tweaks you can make to avoid them.

Not Changing Your Air Filter

Air filters are a crucial part of your heating and cooling system. They’re designed to keep dust and other particles out of the air you breathe and keep your HVAC system clean.

The thing is that they also collect dirt, pollen, and pet dander. Over time, they get clogged with these contaminants, which means they can’t do their job as well anymore.

An HVAC mistake is not changing your air filter regularly. Dust and debris build up inside the unit and reduce its ability to effectively cool or heat your home. This can also cause premature wear on parts of the system, which will increase your energy bills.

Air Filter Meme

Moreover, a dirty air filter can lead to pollutants entering your home. You don’t want to breathe in dust and dirt, so changing your filter is vital for better health.

Your Thermostat is in the Wrong Place

When thinking about home energy efficiency, the thermostat is one of the most important components in your home.

The location of your thermostat affects its performance because it can impact how often it records temperature changes. If your thermostat is located on an outside wall, for example, there may be times when it doesn’t accurately display what’s going on inside your home. This could lead to higher bills for no reason at all!

The best place for your thermostat is in the middle of your home or in a room you frequent the most. And avoid placing it upstairs. Heat rises, so you won’t get an accurate reading.

Boy Adjusting The Thermostat

Most of all, keep your thermostat away from direct sunlight or windows and doors. The drafts and temperature fluctuations make it difficult for your thermostat to give an accurate reading.

Forgetting HVAC Tune-Ups

One way to help keep your heating costs down is by having a tune-up on your furnace.

Service Tech Closing A Vent

An HVAC tune-up is a thorough cleaning and inspection of your heating system. A service technician will look at several things that could be causing your system to run inefficiently — such as dirty coils, air filters, and more. They may also identify problems with airflow in the ductwork that are hard to spot but can cause higher energy costs over time.

Hvan Tune-Up Tools

The benefits of getting your furnace tuned up include:

  • Increased efficiency – A properly tuned-up furnace burns fuel more efficiently, which reduces emissions and helps keep down utility bills.
  • Reduced wear – The furnace’s internal parts are kept clean during the process, reducing wear on moving parts and extending their life span.

Closing Registers and Vents

Closing the vents and registers in your home is not advised when it’s cold outside. Closing them off can actually hurt energy efficiency, restrict airflow and make your furnace work harder.

There are a couple of reasons people do this. First, they think it saves energy when keeping their homes warm. Secondly, they’re worried about dust or allergens being released from ducts.

The truth is that closing your vents and registers can make your home less efficient and lead to mold growth in the ducts.

Adjusting A Vent

Here’s why. Closing off vents and registers can cause poor airflow in your home, which makes it harder for the furnace or air conditioner to heat or cool your home properly. This leads to higher energy bills and longer heating times, costing you more money if ignored.

It also increases wear on your furnace — resulting in more repairs down the road.

Frequently Adjusting the Thermostat

As the winter months approach, turning up the heat to keep warm is tempting. But what you may not know is that increasing your thermostat setting doesn’t actually make your house any more comfortable.

If you want to save energy, there are two ways to do it — reduce how much energy your home uses or improve how efficiently it uses that energy. You can do this by sealing leaks in your home, so air doesn’t escape or by buying energy-efficient appliances like refrigerators and furnaces.

But there’s also a third option: adjusting the temperature on your heating system itself, so it doesn’t have to work as hard.

Turning down your thermostat is handy since lowering the temperature, even by one degree, can cut energy costs.

Thermostat Meme

Make sure your HVAC is in good working order and save on energy bills by booking a HVAC tune-up with the experts at Sierra.

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