Ec0516065Bfdc0Df8Ede8327E46267Cd73115931 Should You Maintain Your Furnace In Summer

Should You Maintain Your Furnace During the Summer?

While it’s very unlikely that you’ll need to fire up your furnace at the peak of summer, it’s still important to keep your home’s heating system in mind and keep up with heating maintenance even when it’s out of season. The upkeep requirements of a system that’s currently not in use are pretty easy to fulfill, and you’ll be glad you kept it in good shape when the weather turns and colder days kick in.

Here are some useful heating maintenance tips from our HVAC technicians at Sierra Air.

Filter Changes

Even though the furnace isn’t running, air is still being circulated throughout your ductwork. This means your furnace filters will likely accumulate dust particles even during the summer months. Our experts recommend a monthly filter change; however, you can choose to do a visual check every now and then to determine whether or not one is necessary.

Calibrating Your Thermostat

The ideal frequency for a professional HVAC maintenance check is at least once every season. This summer, ask your technician to perform the check-ups needed to keep your thermostat calibrated. You can even do a quick test yourself by turning up the temperature and waiting to see if the heat comes on. If it doesn’t, call for heating repair right away.

General Cleaning

Clean the air ducts, vents, drainage holes and registers as needed. These parts tend to gather dust over time, but spring and summer are especially notorious for causing heavy build-ups. A seasonal inspection should include duct cleaning to avoid any complications and improve your indoor air quality.

Get the Best HVAC Service From Our Professionals

Don’t neglect your furnace and heating system in summer just because they’re not getting much use. Sign up for a maintenance plan from Sierra Air, your number one local provider of high-quality HVAC services. FIll out our online contact form to schedule a consultation, set up a maintenance appointment or request a free estimate.

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