8617Fa01974277A9F920663Fb2A5A663D8Aa1660 Outdoor Hvac Concealment 3 Tricks To Try

3 Tricks for Outdoor HVAC Concealment

The condenser, which is the heart of an air conditioning system, doesn’t always mesh well aesthetically with its surroundings. More often than not, this unit visually detracts from an otherwise beautiful residential landscape.

Before calling for HVAC repair service in hopes of relocating your condenser, though, consider concealing it instead. Below are effective ways to hide this bulky and unattractive piece of equipment.

Use Camouflage

Wouldn’t it be nice to make your air conditioner’s condenser “disappear” from your backyard? You can create this illusion by making a barricade with something that grows abundantly in your outdoor space.

If you border your house with shrubs, place ornamentals in front of the machine to obscure it. Vegetation can also help muffle the noise it makes, so this strategy has another benefit.

Don’t limit yourself to plants, however. You can also use stone, lattice, wicker and other materials that complement some of your existing exterior elements to achieve uniformity and visual harmony.

Turn It Into an Accent

The presence of a big, unsightly condenser is a problem that can also be an opportunity. Using fences designed with captivating art to create a barrier can transform the unit into a focal point of the yard. You can also construct a beautiful garden structure around it to add more interest to the spot.

Dual-Purpose Seating

Have you been wanting more outdoor seating? Build a piece of furniture around the condenser and use its base to store the unit. Not only will this make the equipment disappear from view, it will also help protect the unit from debris and pets.

Think About HVAC Repair When Hiding Your Outdoor AC Unit

However you decide to obscure your condenser, make sure it allows for convenient HVAC repairs. Consult Sierra Air to ensure that your concealment plan won’t affect the routine maintenance of your equipment. Contact us to schedule an appointment to get your equipment professionally checked first.

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